Gili was officially accepted to a new school, "Akim," for the next three years. It is smaller and doesn't have a pool, but it seems like a nice place. Not that we have much choice.
We took a real family "tiyul" during Passover. We went to a local national park with a couple friends. Gili enjoyed the breeze and the picnic. My husband and I were exhausted. We took the little ones home and let Big Sis and Big Bro finish the tiyul with our friends. They are big enough to take a cab home at the end of the trail. We had to walk back to the bus stop to take the bus with the double stroller.
Now we are looking into bed solutions. Little Bro is ready for a full size crib, so instead of buying a second crib, it makes sense for us to look at longer term solutions. We think the best solution would be to move Gili into the bottom bunk of the bunk beds we have and use some sort of mesh to keep her safe. Then we can move Big Sis (or maybe Big Bro) into the guest room whenever we don't have guests. Oh, how I want a bigger apartment. I actually looked at a lovely little place, but that's another story. We're staying in our 2.5 bedroom apartment at least until the summer. The "half" we call our guest nook. It's sort of a balcony/hall. It gets too warm and too cold for comfort. But I think Bog Sis can handle it. It already has a bed and dresser for when one of our parents visit.
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