When I was holding Gili yesterday I starting making up a ''once upon a time'' story like I do for all the kids, with some moral or analogy. This one was a tad morbid. But aren't all fairy tales? I'll post it later.
I guess I should say something about the Israeli ''situation''. The news has been on all day in the hospital, but I don't understand a word. They are showing clips of missiles but I don't know the details. I actually heard an air-raid siren as I was entering the hospital this morning (a very long time ago it seems), but I think it was in another city, because people inside didn't here it. Then everyone was watching the news and the caption said something about Gush Dan, which is technically the greater area including Petach Tikva, where we live. We don't live in a very safe building and I'm confused about what we're suposed to do and what kinds of provisions we should have in the house. Maybe we'll order two pizzas for dinner and freeze one :-p
Oh, some good news!! While I was waiting, I got the dental specialist to check Gili's teeth and they are... Drum roll please... Okay! She survived all that grinding and falling asleep after bottles! Woohoo! Unfortunately, the dentist woke her up after she had finally fallen asleep in her stroller. Amazingly, she seems to be in good spirits.
I kept going back and forth about who would take Gili to this appointment. I couldn't find someone to watch Lil Bro, and Hubby wouldn't let us both go with him. Last night and this morning I started feeling bad about not spending enough time with Gili, so I decided I'd take her. But now I'm just tired and hungry. Not exactly having the great mother-daughter day I had planned.
HERE'S THE REPORT ...Five hours later...
I should have known this, but I couldn't read the MRI results in Hebrew. The results showed demyelination - some regression in the development of the white matter. We waited so long because we wanted to see a specific doctor who speciallizes in metabolic disorders - Dr. Avraham Zeharia. He mostly asked us a lot of questions about her history.
Then we'll go back in two months to discuss the results. Unless they call us before then. But for the next two months, no news is good news. Dr. Zeharia was appalled (as I am) that Gili was not currently getting physical therapy (the therapist is on maternity leave) and that her school doesn't have communications (speech) therapy this year. My friend, a nursing student, met me in the hospital around 2:00 pm and went in with me. She said that this doctor is very good. But for Gili's sake, I hope we won't be seeing him too often!
Note to self: Schedule BERA (hearing test).1